Our Instructors

Alison - Instructor
Alison has equestrian experience in NZ, UK and Australia. Her experience includes Hunting as well as competitive show jumping and Eventing.
She has been involved with Pony Club New Zealand as a riding member and Pony Club Australia as a parent and coach. She has been a member of Adult Riding Clubs for the past 20 years and has held committee as well as phase head positions. She has experience in organization of events, penciling, marshalling and judging.
Helen - Instructor
As a child, Helen was an active member of pony club in the UK. She also competed to a national level at show jumping (BSJA), competing on ponies and horses up to C grade and small open level on her horse. She was short listed for the Scottish under 18’s young riders show jumping team in her last year of competitive riding in the UK.
Helen has ridden and competed to a high level in Australia. Most of her competitive experience in Australia was in Eventing and she has completed the Melbourne, Sydney and Scone 1* international three day events.
Helen was previously the treasurer of the Arcadia Pony Club

Anne - Instructor
Anne joined Pony Club when her daughters were of riding age in 2006. She has 20 years of horse management and riding experience including competitive dressage.
Her background and equestrian skills include organizing and volunteer roles at competitions including penciling, marshalling, scoring and judge selection at dressage competitions and Pony Club events
Outside coaching at Pony Club and assisting her daughters with their riding Anne is schooling her young dressage horse in preparation for competition.

Paul - Instructor
Paul is a professional equestrian coach qualified both as an EA Level 1 Coach as well as Enlightened Equitation (UK) Level III.
Paul is a Pony Club NSW NCAS Coaching Mentor and is responsible for preparing the Arcadia Pony Club NCAS coaches for examination under the Pony Club NSW assessment and examination programme.
As well a working with the Arcadia Pony Club coaches as a mentor Paul provides instruction at Arcadia Pony Club for the more experienced members specialising in competition preparation.
Paul is a regular competitor in Dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing and an experienced Show Jump Course Designer.